Heartsaysalot Author Guidelines

Welcome to heartsaysalot!
We deeply appreciate your sincere interest in contributing valuable content to our thriving platform. To maintain an inclusive, welcoming, and engaging environment for all members of our community, we kindly ask that you take a moment to thoroughly review and observe the following comprehensive guidelines prior to submitting your inspiring work.

Content Submission Guidelines

Create Original Content: We encourage authors to contribute original and unique content. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

Attribution: If you reference or quote external sources, provide proper attribution to the original creators.

High-Quality Writing: Strive for excellence in writing. Ensure your content is free from grammatical errors and maintains a professional tone.

Relevance: Align your content with the theme and purpose of heartsaysalot. Ensure it resonates with our community.

Content Topics

Literary Focus: Heartsaysalot is a platform for original literary content. Submit content related to literature, poetry, storytelling, and related themes.

Avoid Prohibited Content: Do not submit content that includes hate speech, discrimination, violence, or any material that violates our community standards.

Respect Diversity: Engage with the community respectfully, embracing diverse opinions and perspectives.

Constructive Criticism: If providing feedback, ensure it is constructive and aimed at fostering a positive learning environment.

Community Participation

Engage with Others: Participate in discussions, comment on other authors’ work, and contribute positively to the heartsaysalot community.

Moderation: Be aware that heartsaysalot reserves the right to moderate and remove inappropriate comments or content.

Submission Process

Create an Account: To submit content, register for an account on heartsaysalot.

Profile Information: Complete your profile with accurate information to enhance your author profile.

Formatting: Follow the formatting guidelines provided for submitting your content.

Submission Limitations: Be mindful of submission limitations to ensure a fair distribution of content.

Copyright and Ownership

Ownership: You retain ownership of your content. However, by submitting, you grant heartsaysalot a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and distribute your content on the platform.

Copyright Compliance: Ensure your content does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.

Moderation and Content Removal

Moderation Policies: Understand that heartsaysalot moderates content to maintain quality and adherence to guidelines.

Inappropriate Content: Content violating guidelines may be removed without notice.

Community Support

Support Fellow Authors: Encourage and support fellow authors within the heartsaysalot community.

Collaborations: Explore opportunities for collaborations and engagement with other authors.

Contact and Assistance

For any questions or assistance regarding the author guidelines, contact our support team at [ support@heartsaysalot.com].