Those school days when everything is priceless
Without friends, it is like a lifeless,
I’m talking about my school days
The years may have flown but the memory stays,
Always been late for attendance
Where we feel so independent,
Fighting for the same girl and bench
Never been worried about who’s taking revenge,
We grow and bloom together like a pea plant
We carry the heavy beg every day like an ant,
“Go out of class” is the best punishment
Surprise exams are always sir’s experiment,
Those days when results are declared in the open
All teachers are only been spoken to,
In exam when we do not get a pass
We blame that hourglass,
Stealing pen and tiffin is the main purpose
Where free periods become like a circus,
For more support has to pay a bribe
How we get past it’s not so easy to describe,
Where each class has its unity
Together all class makes a huge community,
Those days when we all remembered each other’s nicknames
Where we play all the best of the best games,
Now, we all miss that younger stage
Those beautiful days “we all do cry backstage”,
But the fact is “age never stop”
So be you and be always on top,
The Philosophy of Time: A Journey We Must Accept
School days hold a special place in our hearts, not just because of the fun and friendships but because they represent a time when life was simple and full of promise. As we grow older, we realize that time is like an unstoppable river, carrying us forward whether we are ready or not. We often long to relive those moments, yet life teaches us that memories are not meant to hold us back but to remind us of who we were and how far we’ve come.
Change is inevitable, and while nostalgia is sweet, dwelling in the past for too long can make us forget the beauty of the present. The essence of life is movement, learning, and embracing the unknown. Just like in school, where we learn to solve difficult problems, adulthood presents its lessons. We must adapt, evolve, and keep moving forward.
Acknowledging the Present While Honoring the Past
Now, we all miss that younger stage
Those beautiful days “we all do cry backstage”,
But the fact is “age never stops”
So be you and be always on top.
The past is a beautiful chapter, but it is not the whole book. Every stage of life offers something new—a chance to grow, to love, to dream. Instead of lamenting lost time, we must use those golden memories as inspiration to create new moments of joy. Because in the end, life isn’t about staying in one place—it’s about cherishing where we’ve been while looking ahead with hope.