Why would I lie
If you gave me a chance to explain
Why would I lie
If you haven’t threatened
Why would I lie
If you accepted my truth
Why would I lie
If you made me feel comfort
Why would I lie
If you didn’t react before knowing the story
Why would I lie
If you didn’t blame me even if I was right
I have always loved to share the truth
If you were by my side
Why would I hide
If your arms were open wide
Why would I hide
If your eyes held no judgment
Why would I hide
If I felt safe in your presence
Why would I hide
If your words were gentle and kind
Why would I hide
If I could be vulnerable with you
I have always yearned to be seen
If you could look at me with understanding
Why would I pretend
If you could see my soul’s light
Why would I pretend
If our connection was pure and real
Why would I pretend
If love was the only language we spoke
Why would I pretend
If we danced in the truth’s embrace
Why would I pretend
If your love was my refuge
I have always sought authenticity
If you were my partner in this journey
Why would I run
If your heart was my home
Why would I run
If I felt grounded in your love
Why would I run
If together we faced the storms
Why would I run
If our bond was unbreakable
Why would I run
If you cherished every part of me
I have always wished to stay
If you were my constant, my everything
Written by Maseera Batool

Why Would I Lie: The Power of Truth and Understanding
In a world often clouded by misunderstandings and judgment, Maseera Batool’s poignant poem, “Why Would I Lie,” invites us to reflect on the power of truth and the profound need for understanding in our relationships. The poem’s verses echo a longing for a space where honesty thrives, nurtured by trust and compassion.
The Essence of the Poem Why Would I Lie
The repeated question, “Why would I lie,” serves as a gentle plea for acceptance and patience. It’s a reminder that truth blossoms in an environment free from fear and judgment. Maseera beautifully articulates the scenarios where honesty can flourish—when given a chance to explain, without the threat of repercussion, and in the presence of unwavering support.
A Call for Compassion
The poem highlights the importance of not reacting hastily or assigning blame before fully understanding a situation. It suggests that the foundation of truth lies in the comfort of knowing that one’s words will be met with empathy rather than suspicion. This resonates deeply with the idea that true love and friendship are built on a mutual commitment to listen and understand.
Maseera Batool’s poem “Why Would I Lie” falls into the category of contemporary poetry with a focus on relationships and emotional introspection. It explores themes of honesty, trust, and the emotional nuances within interpersonal relationships. The poem can also be considered a lyric poem as it expresses personal emotions and thoughts in a reflective and introspective manner.
Embracing the Truth Together
In the final lines, the poet expresses a heartfelt desire to share the truth, underscoring that this desire stems from a place of love and a wish to be supported. It’s a powerful testament to the fact that honesty is a gift that flourishes in the presence of a supportive and understanding companion.
Maseera Batool’s “Why Would I Lie“ is not just a poem but a gentle reminder to all of us: to create spaces where truth can be shared openly, without fear, and where understanding is the cornerstone of all relationships. It’s a call to embrace each other’s truths, listen without prejudice, and stand by one another, making the world more compassionate.
Join the Conversation
What are your thoughts on this poem? Have you experienced moments where the truth was hard to share? How did empathy play a role in your experience? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below or submit your poetry at heartsaysalot. Let’s explore the beauty of truth and the power of understanding together.