Two Line Quotes by Aamina

Two Line Quotes by Aamina

In the world of sweetheart, Babu Shona…
You are the Dhokla of my life…

Every person is dangerous until and unless they love something or someone…

Never emotionally depend on anyone
Because you never know when they’re gonna turn their back…
The moment they turned their back,
You will fall again into your imaginary trap

The child was tired from life and desperately sought a mother’s lap to get some comfort…
But after a few minutes, he pause and went to sleep…
Deep down somewhere he had forgotten that he was an orphan…
Sometimes realisation hit too hard…

The scariest thing in the world is “Bonds…”
Because whenever bonds break, it just not hurt the person, it takes away your emotional understanding and leaves you with nothing…..

Two-line Quotes by Aamina khan

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