What does the norm say ?

What does the norm say?
There’s this privilege of the unknown that I crave for now.
Sometimes to just stop fetching what’s behind the mist and exist in the flaws of half-baked erudition.
The glimpses of childhood started slipping away until we couldn’t hold it any longer, any tighter.
I forgot that what we went through already passed away, leaving us entitled to growth.
Laughing at an old memory jolts me and I hear the overriding noises of sheer laughter and recur them until it dawns on me that it won’t be the same anytime soon.
We all grew up cause we had to and this was the only time I didn’t feel excited as the curtains rose up.
I don’t want to chisel through the mist anymore, I’m tired and scared.
But I know life would drag me through it. And sometimes you need the pull to reach the end of the tunnel, the place where light steps in.

But until then everything around reeks of succumbed sighs in broken smiles.

The norm says,
There’s no going back now and here’s how time fleets, till the end of times…and life goes on in between the parallels.

This Captivating thought of privilege was written by Fahima Nahid.

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