I found December here

I found December here, today, not knowing it was near ending. It’s that time of the year when little promises show traces of survival and you gulp down coffee like you own your gut and there’s no tomorrow waiting for you with sunkissed goodbyes. But here now I’m stuck in the middle of an occurrence that left me long back. And sometimes that’s what time does to you, let you remain where you want to and it fleets bifurcating your past and present. I have owned a little part of me where I keep burying things and sometimes that’s where I belong. At times what hurts the most is not letting people know that you’ve tried, you’ve tried to love, and in the end, all you learn is the art of letting go. Letting go of everything that you’ve never even tried to hold back. I now am scared to touch anything cause I know it’ll slip past and I’d look at my hands bare and empty, again.

“I found December here” This is a beautiful piece of Poetry written by Fahima Nahid

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