
Thinking I've known gestures more than people, tales more than pages and poems more than written.I've seen stories buried in sunsets and people discovering their own eternity.I'm not skilled in…

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देख कर

जलता नहीं हूँ आतिश-ए-रुख़सार देख करकरता हूँ नाज़ ताक़त-ए-दीदार देख कर हैराँ हूँ मैं तो हुस्न-ए-रुख़-ए-यार देख करफिर भी हूँ मुन्तज़िर तुझे सौ बार देख कर अनवार-ए-हुस्न-ओ-नाज़-ए-अदाकार देख करहैरां है…

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A Pretty ladyWearing a masqueradeI don't know what she needsI don't know how she feelsStaying away from the crowdEnjoying her drinksWith her beautiful masqueradeWhich matches the colour of her gownVery…

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Unicorns of pink shades and purple hues.Its horn with glitter blues.The magical sky was overfilled with the northern lights.I could feel each beat in these silent nights. The Saturn rings…

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